Fundamental Beliefs of Education for Greatness Foundation

Every philosophy is built upon a series of beliefs. It’s not possible to develop a philosophy without them. They’re inherent to any ideological foundation. Education for Greatness Foundation is no different. Everything we do at thought force international is guided by these beliefs. They are the pieces of information that we’ve based our ideas off. Some people claim that their beliefs are absolute ‘truth’, but we are not that naïve. We are quite happy to admit that the way we see the world is just one way of seeing the world and that we sometimes make very wide and sweeping assumptions in our reality.

The point of presenting them here isn’t to try to convince anyone that the way we see the world is right or perfect, it’s to help everyone understand what’s going on behind the layers of our works be it write-ups or articles, programs etc.

We want everyone to understand what those beliefs are, to avoid any potential confusion. We welcome comments, thoughts, ideas, or anything anyone thinks we missed and would like to see added to the list. Our office doors and phone lines are wide open to receive such.

Seven 7 Fundamental Beliefs of Thought Force International are:

1 We believe every human being has the seed of greatness inherent or imbedded in him or her and that everyone therefore ought to become great. This is based on the fact that every person is unique and rare and there is value in all rarity. Everyone is unique, we are all unique!

Note: greatness in this context refers to abundance economically, mentally and physically. Economic power is very much important to us but the mental power is by far the greatest because economic power is a product of the mental power.

2 We believe this seed must be nurtured and grown before it acquires proficiency in the creative art of producing results, which enables the individual to become a great person and that this seed must remain dormant except it is nurtured. (It is subject to the law of use and disuse)

3.We believe this seed of greatness is the individuals mind which is at birth untrained, genius is not born remember and therefore the mind becomes what the individual makes it or assumes the form of the dominating influence it is subjected to (be it environmental, social, cultural, educational etc.) according to the law of habit.

4We believe that the individual himself or herself is the chief agent or leader that is charged by the creator with the responsibility of nurturing this seed of greatness i.e. the mind. Not father, mother, sister, and other family members, friends, Government, companies, the environment but that each of these agents of influence could impact the mind and consequently the destiny of an individual for the negative through indifference or neglect on the part of the individual. (We are masters of our fate according W. C Henley in the Poem Invictus.

5 We believe that the best definition of education is that which was advanced by Late Dr. Napoleon Hill and contained in his book “Think and Grow Rich”. Which states that the word educate (the root-word of education) is derived from the latin word ‘educo’, meaning to educe, to draw out, to develop from within. Based on this definition our mission as an organization is to help individuals in drawing out the greatness within them. We believe individuals educate themselves better far more than teachers can do for them. That the apex of education is self-education (leadership and government inclusive). Education in this context is the gathering or acquisition of knowledge in the direction of ones life’s purpose and assignment. Everyone has an assignment or purpose differing from those of others (the teachers inclusive). Hence it is only the individual that knows the education that best suits his or her life’s assignment. Others can give tips that could be of help but it is only the individual who knows which is most important. Hence, we shall not attempt to teach individuals or members but we shall act as facilitators in their quest for acquiring knowledge that is relevant to their respective assignments or callings, by exposing them to quality materials that are very effective in developing their minds.

6 We believe that the individual requires educational materials and resources for the development or nurturing of his or her mind (that is the seed of greatness in him or her). These resources will cover the varying important subjects or contents of the new form of education called self-education identified earlier), which might be known but in most cases unknown to the individual and is therefore the responsibility of our organization to make it known to the Individual (or in this case, our members). This educational materials or resources include books (hardcopy or electronic), audios, videos, mentorships, coaching, seminars, debates, etc.

7 We believe it is best the individual learns from authors and speakers who have the mission of impacting knowledge in the subject areas identified in 6 earlier, rather than from those whose sole object is gain. The reason for this is obvious. Hence the subjects we have identified shall have the following authors and books to match them: