Yes the title you read is correct. The devil does Thanksgiving Service to God concerning something God gave you. And he does it everyday and every minute of the day . Read why I believe this is so below:

It is generally believed that the kingdom of darkness is against the kingdom of light. That is Satan against God. And I agree perfectly with this but there is this area in which the kingdom of darkness is grateful to the kingdom of light for. It’s the fact that God has given WILL OR THE POWER OF CHOICE to His children (Men). The kingdom of darkness appreciates God for this because they know that ultimately this means that God has put the destinies of men in their own hands coupled with the responsibility for fulfilling them.

The devil knows that anything other than money given to most men and women is not valued, especially in most parts of Africa. And so placing the destiny of men along with the responsibility for fulfilling destiny in their own hands; for the devil, it meant that most men will never fulfill their destinies. They will pursue anything that can bring them money in the present but not to use their will power in fulfilling their destinies or purpose. And herein lies the devil’s opportunity -the source of the devil’s joy and happiness. Since men are not robot who are controlled directly by God but by their own will and power of choice. Man’s greatness and fulfilment of man’s destiny is subject to negotiation and he (the devil) is the master negotiator. As we saw in the begginning of creation when he skillfully negotiated life out of the hands of the first man and woman by offering them a beautiful forbidden fruit to eat against the instruction of their creator Thou shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; for if you do, you shall surely die! Evidence that his success at the endeavour of defeating man is or was a marvelous work of great artistry can be found in a passage of that great book when he who was identified as ‘John the beloved’ (of the King of Kings) Declared vehemently that “for this purpose was The Son of Man manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil”.

But there is something that makes the devil and his kingdom even much more happier and grateful to God. It’s the fact that most men are ignorant of the potential power of the power of will or choice God gave them. And so they can decieve and engage men in unprofitable schemes and activities that are geared towards keeping them in ignorance forever away from the knowledge of and use of this great power. For the Devil and His kingdom; this is a great bonus because it gives them great power to keep humanity perpetually in failure and defeat. The devil understands that anyone who doesn’t use his or her will power can not amount to anything meaningful let alone achieve what has the smallest resemblance to destiny. Today we see that most people are over-dependent on other people, governments, Society etc. to help them with means of livelihood, support, encouragement, products, ideas, innovation and inventions etc. but they never turn inwards to the great person and power within them to birth these things.

All the Cars, buildings, ICT facilities and Gadgets, airplane, Bridges, Air conditioners and refrigerators, electric bulbs, and thousands of other inventions and works are products of those people’s will power and imagination. They made the choice of inventing or producing this things. And this short write up is a product of my own will and imagination. If these people (including myself) can use their will to create things by willing or deciding to do what they did or are doing, you too can do the same.

According to Neurosurgeons, we all have brains that contains 14 billion cells. Everyone; from the witches and wizards in remotest parts of Guinea all the way to the most so called sophisticated white man whether the English man from Great Britain or the man who has origin in the United States of America. All of us!

It was Richard M. Nixon (America’s 37th President) who stated it perfectly that “Your destiny lies not in the stars but on the earth itself, even in your own heart. Your destiny offers not the cup of despair but the CHOICE of opportunity, so a wise person seizes his destiny not in fear but with gladness.

My question is what are you doing with your power of will or choice God gave you.

In summary Let’s Start using our wills so we can convert the devils Thanksgiving Service to His Mourning Service.

To trigger the power of the will, you must discover and understand what is called your life’s Purpose.

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