Course Content
Introduction Greek philosopher Socrates once said Man Know thyself—this famous admonition really captures the essence of self-discovery. self-discovery is about getting to know the parts of yourself that are as it were “disowned” in childhood. It's about answering the age old question of Who are you? The major importance of asking and answering this question lies in the fact that gaining self-knowledge, which means to know ourselves at a deeper level is the foundation for achieving greatness and unimaginable levels of success. For instance through self-discovery we discover our talents and through the use of our talents we achieve accomplishments that has potential to astound humanity example is the case of the invention of airplane by two brother who were bicycle mechanics: Wilbur and Orville Wright who are commonly called the Wright Brothers. These two brothers used their talents to invent the airplane and gave us flying capabilities beyond those of birds. This is one example among so many which shows us the power of self-discovery. In view of this anyone who desires to achieve success and greatness must endeavor to discover his or herself. If you're interested in learning more about yourself on a deeper level to better your life and achieve all God created you to achieve, you may want to pursue the self-discovery or self-examination process. In this module, we discuss what self-examination means, importance, benefits and explore tips for self-discovery. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
This topic will expose you to cogent tips needed to self-discovery
About Lesson


Searching for one’s identity refers to the process of self-discovery, self-examination, and self-definition. It is an inner exploration aimed at understanding one’s values, beliefs, passions, and purpose in life. Identity encompasses various aspects, including cultural, social, emotional, and personal dimensions. This quest seeks to uncover the unique combination of characteristics that make each person an individual.

Why is it important?

The reasons are many. I focus on few that I feel are of particular relevance.


  1. Self-Acceptance

One of the primary reasons to search for one’s identity is to achieve self-acceptance. By understanding who we are and embracing our strengths and weaknesses, we can develop a more positive self-image and build self-esteem. This self-acceptance is crucial for mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Personal Growth

The journey of self-discovery is inherently linked to personal growth. As we explore our values, beliefs, and passions, we gain clarity about our goals and desires. This clarity provides a foundation for personal development and enables us to set meaningful objectives for ourselves.

  1. Authentic Relationships

Knowing ourselves deeply allows us to form more authentic and meaningful relationships with others. When we are in touch with our true selves, we can connect with others on a deeper level, leading to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

  1. Life Purpose

Discovering one’s identity often leads to a better understanding of one’s life purpose. This sense of purpose can provide motivation, direction, and a sense of fulfillment in our daily lives.

  1. Resilience

A strong sense of identity can also contribute to resilience. When we know who we are and what we stand for, we are better equipped to face challenges and adversity with confidence and determination.


How do you begin the journey of search for one’s identity?

The journey to unearth one’s identity is as unique as each individual embarking upon it. Nevertheless, there are universal steps and practices to initiate this transformative journey.

I am sharing five of these, in the order in which I have found them useful to me.

  1. Self-Reflection
  2. self-Analysis
  3. Exploration of Interests (literary in my case)
  4. Questioning assumptions
  5. Seeking Feedback
  6. Professional Guidance from a Coach/mentor



The journey is not easy and poses its fair share of challenges. Some of them are :

  1. The urge to seek external validation
  2. Desire to please others.
  3. Curse of comparison
  4. Fear criticism
  5. Fear of change
  6. Rigidity
  7. Fear of Isolation


At various points in time, I have over the years, fallen prey to each of these challenges, in some form of the other.


Where am I on my journey of finding my identity today?

The pursuit of my identity has been a multifaceted journey, marked by both fascination and fatigue. With each attempt to unearth the core of who I am, I am uncovering new facets of my being.


I’ve realized that identity isn’t a fixed point but a complex mosaic of experiences, beliefs, and passions. Just when I think I’ve grasped a fundamental aspect of myself, another layer unfolds, laying bare the depth of my own complexity.


The diversity of roles I play in life—friend, family member, professional—adds further complexity to my quest. Each role brings out different aspects of my personality, and sometimes, they conflict.

Navigating societal expectations, cultural influences, and personal desires has been a delicate balancing act and I have not tasted success in this always.

Yet, amidst the complexity and exhaustion, the journey remains captivating. Strangely enough, it’s the very exhaustion and the continual sense of incompleteness that drives me forward. The search is but an ever-evolving narrative—a story I get to write and rewrite as I uncover new facets of myself.

I am still a character like the ones in Pirandello’s play, both the author and the actor, constantly revising the scripts of my identity.

I intend to continue with this journey. I know not if I would find something that would make me happy. I know not if I would find anything at all.

I intend yet, to continue with this journey.

If you have read thus far, thank you.

I do hope you take the next logical, interesting, often exhausting and yet enriching step…that of finding YOUR identity.