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Introduction Greek philosopher Socrates once said Man Know thyself—this famous admonition really captures the essence of self-discovery. self-discovery is about getting to know the parts of yourself that are as it were “disowned” in childhood. It's about answering the age old question of Who are you? The major importance of asking and answering this question lies in the fact that gaining self-knowledge, which means to know ourselves at a deeper level is the foundation for achieving greatness and unimaginable levels of success. For instance through self-discovery we discover our talents and through the use of our talents we achieve accomplishments that has potential to astound humanity example is the case of the invention of airplane by two brother who were bicycle mechanics: Wilbur and Orville Wright who are commonly called the Wright Brothers. These two brothers used their talents to invent the airplane and gave us flying capabilities beyond those of birds. This is one example among so many which shows us the power of self-discovery. In view of this anyone who desires to achieve success and greatness must endeavor to discover his or herself. If you're interested in learning more about yourself on a deeper level to better your life and achieve all God created you to achieve, you may want to pursue the self-discovery or self-examination process. In this module, we discuss what self-examination means, importance, benefits and explore tips for self-discovery. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
This topic will expose you to cogent tips needed to self-discovery
About Lesson

Benefits of self-discovery                                                      

The following are some major benefits that may result from self-discovery:

  1. It enables you to have happiness and fulfilment

Understanding ourselves helps us to engage in activities that befits our personalities and how we are wired. Engaging in these kinds of activities brings us happiness and fulfilment. But when we engage in activities that don’t fit our personalities then we will always be dissatisfied and unhappy within ourselves.

To understand why self-discovery is so important, we must consider the consequences of failing to identify our true selves.

According to Horney (1950), when a person experiences a large discrepancy between their lived and real selves, they are likely to experience a sense of alienation from themselves. This remains true even if the person is successful in their activities and receives external rewards.

Such a person may often notice themselves wondering, “Why am I doing this when it’s not who I really am?” The consequence is a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction if we fail to live up to an idealized version of ourselves that we cannot be.

Besides this negative emotional toll, the problem with pursuing such an ideal is that it will be rooted in externally derived standards of worth.

To illustrate, here are some examples:

A student feels pressure from their parents to pursue a prestigious career in law, even though this line of work does not inspire them.

A famous musician has mistaken their true self with their like of the status, prestige, and social validation they receive while performing.

A woman’s family talks her into finding a husband and settling down when she’d rather travel the world with her friends.

A son feels obligated to take over the family business when he’d prefer to start his own venture.

When we cannot live in alignment with our true selves, we must spend energy attempting to deny and distort our experiences to make sense of a pervasive lack of happiness and personal fulfillment. This ongoing effort can go so far as to produce psychological states and conditions such as depression (Waterman et al., 2010).

Our goal in life should not be to pursue imagined or externally derived ideals, but rather to develop a more realistic understanding of our strengths and limitations. By doing so, we can avoid negative psychological states and self-actualize, feel contentment, and make better contributions to the world.

  1. It helps you build a foundation for your personal greatness.

Socrates said man know thyself. Self-discovery and gaining self-knowledge is the first requirement for achieving personal greatness. Discovering one’s identity often leads to a better understanding of one’s life purpose, calling or assignment along with your natural abilities for fulfilling that purpose, assignment or calling. When this happens, you have successfully laid the foundation for your personal greatness in your career, business and life in general. Discovering one’s identity often leads to a better understanding of one’s life purpose. This sense of purpose can provide motivation, direction, and a sense of fulfillment in our daily lives.

  1. It motivates you to carry out lifelong learning and personal development

When you discover yourself, that is as you discover your gifts and talents, passion etc. So also the urge to develop those gifts and talents also comes. And you also gain the motivation to engage in lifelong learning.










  1. It gives direction to your personal development efforts.

Knowing your natural abilities and Purpose guides your personal growth and development efforts which brings quicker results as you are not engaged in generalized form of self-improvement. Concentration always beats generalization.

  1. It enables you to choose careers that align with your natural abilities and in also uncovering careers you may not have considered previously:

through self-discovery you find out the career you really want and which matches your personality and natural abilities/endowments. And it also helps you find out carrers you might not have considered previously.

  1. Determine your life values:

Understanding your hobbies, passions, and strengths is often critical for determining your life values. Values are the ideologies that are significant to you, which can assist in making life decisions. They can also contribute to stronger connections because when you express what you value, others can understand what you expect from them. When you have a list of your values, you can align your life decisions and plans with them.

Below are some examples of possible values:







  1. Self-Acceptance

One of the primary reasons to search for one’s identity is to achieve self-acceptance. By understanding who we are and embracing our strengths and weaknesses, we can develop a more positive self-image and build self-esteem. This self-acceptance is crucial for mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Personal Growth

The journey of self-discovery is inherently linked to personal growth. As we explore our values, beliefs, and passions, we gain clarity about our goals and desires. This clarity provides a foundation for personal development and enables us to set meaningful objectives for ourselves.

  1. Authentic Relationships

Knowing ourselves deeply allows us to form more authentic and meaningful relationships with others. When we are in touch with our true selves, we can connect with others on a deeper level, leading to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

  1. Resilience

A strong sense of identity can also contribute to resilience. When we know who we are and what we stand for, we are better equipped to face challenges and adversity with confidence and determination.


Summary of the products of self-discovery

 The products of self-discovery refer to the things you are likely to find out about yourself anytime you carryout self-discovery. They include:

  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Likes/Loves/hobbies
  • Dislikes/hates
  • Your aspirations
  • Your dreams
  • Your values
  • Passions/interests
  • Natural abilities (your natural abilities refer to your gifts, talents and potentials)
  • Your burdens (what disturbs you in your heart)
  • And more importantly your Purpose/Assignment/Calling/Life’s Work