About Education For Greatness Foundation


Vision Statement

To provide resources and materials that help educate and train the minds of people in vital subjects of life in a bid to help them discover, develop and deploy the potentials that resides inside them.

Mission Statement

To educate and train the minds of people for greatness and dignity. The organisation ultimately wishes to develop and raise a generation of people (young people especially) whose minds are greatly developed and who attain financial freedom.

Our Fundamental Belief

Every philosophy is built upon a series of beliefs. It’s not possible to develop a philosophy without them. They’re inherent to any ideological foundation. Education for Greatness Foundation is no different. Everything we do at thought force international is guided by these beliefs. They are the pieces of information that we’ve based our ideas off. Some people claim that their beliefs are absolute ‘truth’, but we are not that naïve. We are quite happy to admit that the way we see the world is just one way of seeing the world and that we sometimes make very wide and sweeping assumptions in our reality.


The point of presenting them here isn’t to try to convince anyone that the way we see the world is right or perfect, it’s to help everyone understand what’s going on behind the layers of our works be it write-ups or articles, programs etc.


We want everyone to understand what those beliefs are, to avoid any potential confusion. We welcome comments, thoughts, ideas, or anything anyone thinks we missed and would like to see added to the list. Our office doors and phone lines are wide open to receive such.



Choose your membership: Gold, Platinum, or VIP. Receive increasing perks and discounts as you move up. Experience benefits such as early sales and styling consultations with Gold and Platinum upgrades. Enjoy priority access and private shopping experiences with VIP. Become a member today.

Silver Membership

This membership level is focused on courses on personal development and has the overall aim of helping you build a solid foundation for success in life, career and business. It achieves this by providing you a platform to invest in your personal growth, increase productivity, and overall quality of life.

Gold Membership

This courses on gold membership focuses on financial intelligence focuses on developing participants’ understanding of key financial concepts and skills necessary for effective financial management. The curriculum covers topics such as budgeting, financial analysis, investment strategies, risk management, and personal finance.

Platinum Membership

The courses in platinum membership level is focuses on business development and management advances the belief that entrepreneurship/business development is a practical system or tool for dreams and vision realization. And as a result has the overall aim of teaching people/participants the very vital knowledge and skills of business and entrepreneurship to enable them cultivate the ability to convert their talents, potentials, ideas, knowledge etc.

VIP Membership

This course teaches you how to create wealth and prepare a formidable defense against the negative forces of poverty, unhappiness and under-achievement that is commonly associated with post-retirement life of most retirees as we see it today.

Our Valuable Moments

We share knowledge, ideas, and experiences through seminars, conferences, and workshops in organizations, schools, churches etc. Our cherished moments include our visits to schools where we sensitize students on the need for self-discovery, talent development and deployment. And in our retirement planning seminars with teachers in schools and workers in other organizations, where we reveal what retirement planning truly means, explore the secrets of having a comfortable and fulfilling post retirement life. These experiences inspire us to continue growing in our community.